Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Book Review: A Woman After God's Own Heart

I've never read anything by Elizabeth George before. I grabbed this book at a garage sale too. I struggled getting into it but maybe it was just because in the end, I realize how far I have to go in the wife and mother departments. Granted, I've come along way but God's ways are so much higher than ours. If I truly want to be a Woman after His heart, I have to follow His ways as a wife and mother.

Here are some nuggets and reminders that penetrated my heart as I read this book. I'm being real as I share the struggles of real life and if we are all honest we all struggle with some of this stuff. So, here it is:
  • Biblical Order: God, Hubby, Kiddos. Oh how often I scramble these up. The kiddos are always right there and so easy to give your first fruits to but this is not biblical. I have nothing to give my kids if God has not been my first priority.
  • As a wife I need to meet my husbands needs. She mentions: Committing to being a helper, submit, respect, respond positively, pray daily, kind actions, physical intimacy, prepare for his arrival home. I always try to straighten up and freshen up and have the kids ready for Daddy to come home. I always ask how I can help and do believe it is my job (biblically) to lighten his load. However, I don't pray consistently enough for my husband, I don't always show respect or respond positively. I let the stress of the day change my mood. I'm working on this. I also think the kind deeds, you know, sweet notes in the lunch kinda stuff gets crowded out by motherhood....again backwards.
  • Our role as mother is to teach our children God's word. Memorize, read, model, pray, provide. With homeschooling this has become so much easier. As long as I keep my eyes on the goal this area isn't a huge issue. I have also improved in this area over the last month as I have begun to pray literally a million times a day when I felt the frustration rising in me. God has graciously given me grace for my kids so I can be a better mom.
  • We are the thermostat of our homes. We control the mood by our mood and responses. Ok, so this one got me. This past year my mood has been less than steady. With struggling with anxiety and depression you never know what you'd get from me. As I am doing better, I am trying so hard to improve in this area. I really do let my husband get the short end, the tired mom at the end of the day. Other nuggets in this area were to remember to be home, plan ahead, and don't waste time. Planning is not an issue for me and with homeschooling we are home and make it a point to be home for the evening family time.
So, those are some nuggets from this book that struck me. Would love to hear by email or leaving a comment what ONE thing you are going to work on. We can all improve at something. Sharing makes you more accountable to do it.

Thanks to my girlfriends who hold me accountable and lead by example...keep loving God, loving your hubbies, and loving those babies...in that order!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Book Review: The Air I Breathe

I just finished a quick little read by Louie Giglio called The Air I Breathe: Worship as a Way of Life. Here are some points from the book:
  • We all worship something. Where your time, attention, and money are spent there you find the object of your worship.
  • We exchange worship of our Creator for worship of created things.
  • Whatever you worship, you imitate; whatever you imitate, you become.
  • Worship is something you enter into with all your might. Worship is a participation activity in a spectator culture.
  • True worship is simply catching sight of the greatness, majesty, splendor, glory, and grace of an infinite God.
  • Church is a lot better when our meetings are filled with people who have been pursuing God for six days before they get there.
  • Corporate worship works best when we arrive with something to offer God, as opposed to coming only to get something for us.
  • Think about the words you sing and who you are singing them to. Sometimes we would be better off saying nothing rather than standing there lying to the face of God. Our worship would honor Him more if we stopped singing and realigned our hearts with His.
There is truth in all these points. So often we walk into corporate church feeling the weight of the week pulling on us instead of a having a heart ready to praise our Creator and King. At least I know I have walked in that way. For me, the trials of my life have allowed me to see the greatness of God despite my circumstances and that is what has caused my worship to go deeper than before.

This past week I stopped the person who had led corporate worship and told her how I loved it....not because of a good song or specific instruments but because as she sung, I saw her heart. I saw her love for Jesus and her passion to worship Him. it was a beautiful thing see and really, it was something I experienced. I could feel that overflow of love from her. When I told her this, her response was so humble and again reflective of her heart....she said, "I just want people to see Jesus."

I pray each of us is living a worshipful life that glorifies our King so that people can see Jesus.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Book Review:Spiritual Warfare

I've decided when I finish a good book to highlight it on here. It's a good way to document the points that stuck with me and give others food for thought.

I just finished A Parent's Guide to Spiritual Warfare by Leslie Montgomery. I picked it up at CBD on clearance for $3. I am new to this author and while I did not agree with her theology on generational sin, the rest of the book was very good. Here are some highlights that struck me....
  • If your children see that life's challenges are overcoming you, rather than your overcoming them, they will gravitate toward the world's way of coping.
  • What our world truly needs is for couples to choose God's way instead of the world's way.
  • Satan attacks believers and it normally includes confusion, accusations, feelings of rejection, condemnation, discouragement and hopelessness.
  • God's testing is different from an attack as there is no confusion but rather clarity. We may not see clearly the choice to make but we walk by faith.
  • When our kids respond or act in a repetitive, negative pattern there is a negative core belief behind that area that needs to be replaced with truth.
  • We'd never dream of withholding food from a developing child, and yet that is exactly what we do spiritually if we don't give them the Word of God.
  • Training our children in spiritual warfare focuses not on the Devil and his methods but on the genuine power and promises of Christ. Only after knowing the truth can our children spot from afar the Devil's counterfeit.
There was a great section in the book that really went through Ephesians 6 and explained the armor of God.

Overall, anytime God's kingdom is moving forward, Satan attacks. Every time a child enters a Christian home, as parents we must be equipped for battle because an attack will come. As a parent, I need to pray more for the covering over my husband, children, and home.