Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I subscribe to emails from this awesome group called, The Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood (CCFC). There main focus is to stop the marketing to children. If you pay attention, our children are being marketed to every second. If corporate America can get our kids hooked at a young age then they have them as consumers. Fast food chains, toy brands, tv shows, they all fight for our kids attention.

In our house, we do not have cable. We have basic cable, you know, 2, 4, 7 kinda stuff. We don't allow commercial tv to be watched either. That was a decision we made based on what is out there for our daughters eyes to see.

So, CCFC sent me the latest update and these so gets me. Nickelodeon on it's websites are linked up to another site, addictinggames.com. Now, when one site, geared towards kids, is linked to another site, in my book that means they are promoting that site, supporting that site, recommending that site, and it SHOULD be safe for kids. Many of the games on this site are violent. The sad part is that didn't shock me. The shock came in when I saw games called "Whack your Ex", "Candy the Naughty Cheerleader", and Perry the Sneak series which is all about being a peeping Tom and trying to catch glimpses of naked women.

So, if my 6 year old wants to play on Nickjr.com they can easily in one click be on a site with "Candy the Naughty Cheerleader." Seriously? This is what we as parents are up against. Of course, I am adding the link so that you can send Nick an email asking them to pull the link. A New Low for Nickelodeon: Take Action Now But really as parents, I can't encourage you enough to watch what your children are watching. If they play online to have a filter...we have one but all these games get by the filter. Be diligent. We are called to set our minds on things that are pure and let me tell you, there isn't much that is pure on tv these days.

Friday, December 4, 2009


I don't have time to chime in but a friend sent this to me...probably knowing I would put it right here. Read for yourself and take action!

CBS airs perverted 'Frosty the Snowman'

CBS has combined the raunchy television show "How I Met Your Mother" with the children's holiday classics "Frosty the Snowman" and "Frosty Returns" in an ad on CBS's website.

The disgusting result was the video "Frosty the Inappropriate Snowman," in which
Neil Patrick Harris's voice (in character from the sitcom "How I Met Your Mother") was dubbed over Frosty footage.

Harris' Frosty said things like, "We've got to have a bros' night at a strip club" because it's "healthy" and "harmless." He also discussed his "porn collection" and "the Dominator 8000 - the best bull whip on the market."

Well-known scenes of the classic Frosty delighting children by coming to life were perverted by the ad which included Frosty saying, "I have been with a lot of women. Blondes. Brunettes. Redheads. Big boobs. Small boobs. Medium boobs. Some boobs that were big but kind of in a bad way."

The new, crude snowman also encouraged the white rabbit in the movie to have sexual fantasies: "You should have hit that. Dude, your pants were already off. You had a classroom full of people to cheer you on. And you can't knock her up because it's a dream."

The voiceovers also included lines showing "Frosty's" willingness to punch anyone - "I'll punch a baby. I don't care." - and his delight in "scoring front row seats to a lethal injection."


Please send CBS an email letter urging the network to pull this disturbing "Frosty" ad immediately.