Comedy Central is currently making plans for the program "JC" portraying Jesus as a "regular guy," as oppose to the Son of God. The show depicts him moving to New York to "escape his father's enormous shadow." The Father is characterized as an apathetic dad, virtually addicted to video games and totally uninterested in his son's life.
Comedy Central is set, unless we intervene, to blaspheme two-thirds of the Trinity on a weekly basis. This mockery will be similar, but much worse than “South Park” and “Family Guy” since the entire program will be based on this lie.
Comedy Central is showing favoritism for one religion over another. Recently, Comedy Central bowed to pressure from Islamic groups and heavily censored an episode of "South Park" that showed Mohammed in a bear costume. The hypocrisy here is staggering.
Comedy Central shows more respect for Mohammed and Muslims, who represent 2% of the American population, than for Jesus Christ and the 83% of Americans who believe in Him.
We need to send a message loud and clear to Comedy Central, its owner Viacom and all potential advertisers of "JC" that this kind of insulting programming is completely unacceptable. If we speak with one voice now, we can keep this program from ever seeing the light of day.
Here is your chance to have a voice.... Sign our petition today