Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Serving...or is it?

A friend and I were talking the other day about "serving." You know, giving of your time and talents for the good of others. We were talking about how there seems to be "levels" to service. I don't know who invented these imaginary levels but it drives people like me nuts. When you are leading a ministry, at church 3 days a week, and running ragged that is SERVING.

Then there is me. I'm back in baby mode. No ministry leadership, no being at church 3 days a week, and a different kinda ragged running is occurring here. I'm asked often how I am "serving" or if I am serving...I speculate it is because I am no longer at the visible level of service.

So, me and this friend were talking about this very thing. Who defines what equals service? Who is judge to whether we are serving "enough." What is enough? Isn't that between the Lord and I? Why are moms who are home with their children not considered serving? Isn't that our most important mission field?

My friend sent me this link about 100 Ways for Your Family to Make a Difference. All of this made us recount how we have "served" over the last month. Here is what we have done:
*made blankets for the homeless
*bought groceries for a needy family
*delivered a stove to a needy family
*donated used clothing
*sent money to Haiti to help with a boys funeral expenses

Is that serving? I didn't work in the nursery at church or lead a Bible Study. I did what a could with where I am at in this season of life. I serve my husband and kids every time I pick up dirty clothes, wash dishes, iron, pack a lunch, cook a meal, and teach a math, phonics, and Bible lesson. That is serving.

So, who came up with these man made levels of service? I for one have decided to stop letting man tell me when I am serving "enough."

"She did what she could...." Mark 14:8a
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are at." T. Roosevelt

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