Monday, April 19, 2010

Adopted for Life

It's been almost 2 months since I posted on this blog. Life has been busy with the adoption and having a baby in the house...but I wouldn't have it any other way! I just finished an awesome book that made my must read list. Adopted for Life by Russell Moore isn't a how to kinda's a way we must kinda book. Thanks for the great read Jess & Kem! This post will be a rambling of some of the points of this book that have struck a cord with my spirit.

Russell Moore parallels adoption with the gospel message. Moore says, "The gospel of Jesus Christ means our families and churches ought to be at the forefront of the adoption of orphans. We all have a stake in the adoption issue, because Jesus does. He is the one who tells us that his Father is also father to the fatherless (Ps. 68:5). He is the one who insists on calling the least of these his brothers (Matt. 25:40) and who tells us that the first time we hear his voice, he will be asking us if we did the same." Wow! If we are to become more like Christ who is a reflection of his heavenly father, if we are to radiate the love of Christ to a broken world then we all have a stack in the adoption issue. "The Father adopts children, and we're called to be like him. Jesus cares for orphans, and we're being conformed into his image. If you're in Christ, YOU are called to be involved in the project somehow."

When we started thinking about adoption we were self-centered. WE wanted a baby. WE wanted a larger family. Through the 4 year wait, God taught us that adoption is a call he has placed on our family. We have love to give no matter who you are, where you come from, or what color your skin may be. The blessing in this calling is that ultimately, our hearts desire is filled with more children. I can not imagine life without Essie in our family and it has only been 7 weeks.

I love that Moore boldly took on the topic of inter-racial adoption. Being now an inter-racial family, I appreciated what he had to say. When the public looks at our family, it is obvious based on skin color that our daughter was adopted. We were warned by social workers and the like that inter-racial adoption would be challenging and as I've said in the past, it shouldn't be. Moore addresses how if "we had fewer white churches and black churches, fewer blue collar churches and white collar churches, maybe we'd see better what Jesus tells us when he says we've come into a new household with one Spirit, one Father, one Christ."

We all are created in the image of Christ so why in 2010 are we still hung up on the color of skin? And why does the world think white skin is superior? Oh, how this issue gets me. Moore addresses how people often ask if your kids are "brothers or sisters" when they have visual are my girls. And yes, they are sisters!

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