Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Book Review: Radical by David Platt

I had an interest in reading the book, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt when I finally connected the dots of who the author was. You see, for the last 2 years I have been using material from The Church at Brook Hills in my homeschooling.

So, on to the book. I personally loved it! I love that David Platt not only calls us to live a sold out life for Christ by winning souls to him but that he doesn't do so by looking like the world. I love chapter two where the question is asked if God's word is enough. No "extras," no "fluff". In 2012 so many churches look just like the world we live in. Complete with entertainment systems, xbox games, and a spread of coffee and snacks. If we took all this away, is God alone enough?

David clearly has an understanding and heart for global missions. For spreading the gospel to the ends of the Earth. I totally agree that this is the command of God...to go into the world and make disciples. He has a heart for the orphans, for starving and dying children...my heart is their with his.

But still, what I really like, is the fact that David Platt not only makes the calling clear but he equips his church to meet that calling. As I said, I have used materials of theirs for 2 years. The Bible material I use with my daughter is stronger than the material I have seen at many churches. I love that he is an expository preacher. He shares the Word of God so that his congregation knows the Word of God.

In 2012 it is refreshing to see a young paster on the scene both equipping and sending.

1 comment:

  1. Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream' by David Platt is a life changing, eye opening read about what the Bible says about discipleship and the need to care, not just give, to the poor. This book shines the spotlight on these areas of our lives with what scripture has to say about them. It is all too easy to sit back and say that God has not called me to go or to give up everything for Christ's sake but do we really seek God's will in these areas? Many have bought into a comfortable Christian message that conforms to our desires, our focus on achieving the American dream with our time and talents rather than pursuing to become more like Jesus. I think anyone who reads this book will be changed and have a new perspective on the contrast of simply living out the comfortable American Dream Christianity versus following what God's will is for our lives. Take a big step in your faith and read this book. Meditate on the scriptures that it's based on, apply it and see how God changes you.
