Monday, February 13, 2012

Book Review: Raising a Daughter After God's Own Heart

I asked for Raising a Daughter After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George for Christmas. I've never read her books before but heard good things about her materials. I enjoyed the book. Her are my take away nuggets:
  • We become what we love
  • We can not impart what we do not posses
  • We are to do battle through prayer on behalf of our precious children
  • Your human efforts might raise a daughter who will be an okay person. But prayer contributes to your raising an exceptional person.
  • Your daughter's friends are key. There are 3 types: those you will pull her down, those who will pull her along, and those who will pull her up.
  • Psalm 23 is a beautiful picture of what we are to provide for our daughters:
  1. 23:1 Provide care for your daughter (everything they need NOT want.)
  2. 23:2 Provide rest and peace
  3. 23:3 Provide healing and guidance
  4. 23:4 Provide presence and comfort
  5. 23:5 Provide friendship and protection
  6. 23:6 Provide hope and a home
None of these nuggets were a new revelation for me but timely reminders that our parenting is a direct correlation to our relationship with the One and Only Living God.

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