Different parts of this book struck a cord with me. I've posted before about conformity and my issues with looking like the world. When I read this from Francis, I was saddened.... "...the American church is a difficult place to fit in if you want to live out New Testament Christianity. The goals of American Christianity are often a nice marriage, children who don't swear, and good church attendance. Taking the words of Christ literally and seriously are rarely considered." I was saddened because I couldn't have agreed more. The one group of people who should strive for the best often settle for much less. I think we as believers are going to be suprised with how far off the mark we are living. I long to hear the words, "well done my good and faithful servant" but I'm not sure that by the way I live now, I will hear that. I live a morally upright life compared to many but God is not comparing our lives to one anothers....He is judging if we lived as He has called us to live.
The Church
So many people turn to the church to "learn" how to be a Chrisitian...I'm not saying that is how it should be but I believe that it is a reality. The church at large is not equipping people to be sold out followers of Christ. From my perspective, the church is teaching people to be lukewarm. The model of accept Christ, come to church on Sunday, worship with half of your heart, put on your Sunday happy face and act like you have it all together because Christians have a great life with Jesus model is not only not working but a disgrace to God.
God wants all of us. Every part. He wants us to worship Him with all that we have and are. He wants us to give joyfully. Love sacrificially. Put others before ourselves.
In the book, Francis talks about what people who are obsessed with Jesus look like. I'm dying to see this lived out before me! I want to be that person who can live a totally obsessed for Jesus sold out life and not care what friends and family think. I'm working on not caring but it goes against my humanity...but that's the point right?
So, today I choose to live a sold out life. Striving to press on without caring what everyone around me thinks. Without having to justify myself and my actions.
Where are you at? Are you sold out? Do you look like a follower of Jesus or do you look like the world? What is one area of your life that the Lord is asking you to surrender so that He can make it pure? Let it go....He knows what is best for you.
AMEN! I couldn't agree with you more Brandy. Thanks for sharing! I "loved" that book. Dee
ReplyDeleteI agree! it is my heart's ache too! learning and pressing forward, not looking back! Cindy