Monday, October 8, 2012

Decree for America

After watching the 1st Presidential debate the other night, I came across this website the next morning.  The song strikes a cord in me.  Here is the song alone...

Here is the video for the website...makes you really stop and think about what you stand for and if you are willing to stand in a world so fastly turning from God.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Book Review: Faith Training

I snagged this book super cheap with a CBD order. If you check the title link it is $2.99 right now. Faith Training: Raising Kids Who Love the Lord by Joe White caught my eye simply based on price and topic. I love reading so why not another parenting book?

When you read as much as I do, many points are repeated book to book. However, I notice God uses these to drive home a point in an area I am struggling with or being lazy about.

This book clearly spells out the high calling we have as Christian parents. It is our job to Faith Train our children. "Faith does not get passed along genetically like brown eyes or freckles. It must be handed from runner to runner, generation to generation. Every child of God must receive it, grasp it tightly, and run the race that cannot be run by anyone else" (pg 4).

The author parallels our raising of children now to war. I appreciate his acknowledgement that everyday is a battle and as parents we must be prepared for hand to hand combat.

A little over half the book is full of tools to use. There is a section of devotionals to use as a family. World religion comparisons. Quiet time reading plans. The list goes on.

The encouragement I received from this book is found on page 44...
"Custom-make your commitments to move you as far from the Jonses as you can stand. Their kids are the statistics in tomorrow's USA Today. Your kids will rise up and call you blessed."

Book Review: Six Ways to Keep the Little in Your Girl

A friend of mine read the book, Six Ways to Keep the Little in Your Girl by Dannah Gresh and asked me if I'd pick up a copy to read. As moms of girls in that "tween" stage we often bounce things back and forth as we both enter this season for the first time.

I happily agreed to pick up another good book to peruse. I have heard much of the author, Dannah Gresh but somehow I haven't realized that I really am heading into this bracket of mothering with our oldest.

The gist of the book is that as Christian moms we have to take the opportunity to teach our girls the truth in relation to their changing bodies. If we as moms don't do this then the world will. While that concept wasn't new to me, her timing was. Dannah recommends that the best time to talk to today's girls is 9 years old! Now that I wasn't ready to hear but she has a good argument as to why.

She talks about how our relationship with our girls is the key factor to being open and able to share with us. She talks about modest dress and the importance of monitoring friendships. She covers the medias influence on our kids. She shares research studies that correlate media exposure to sexual activity, drinking, and the like. All sorts of good nuggets but I really found value and new information in what she had to say about sharing the (physical) developmental years in a timely and exciting way.

Here is a quote from the book...
"The most sensational scenarios are not what's robbing our little girls of their innocence. It's the slow drip of value-ingraining shows where girls dress up and go on dates, and our little girls are pressed to identify with older more mature characters and life scenarios. It's what culture has deemed the "norm"- that probably shouldn't be if you want to keep the little in your girl" (pg 93).

So, for any more out there looking to take their daughter into the "tween" years I highly recommend this book.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Book Review: 20 and Counting

I just finished reading a friends copy of The Duggars: 20 and Counting! by the Duggar family. As someone who didn't have cable and couldn't watch the show, I was interested to read the book. I LOVED it. I have so much respect for them for choosing to allow God to determine the size of their family. God has clearly blessed them for their faith in Him.

I can't really dissect the book here but wanted to say that it was an inspiring read to see a family who loves each other, who works together, and who loves the Lord. Way to go Duggars!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Book Review: I Still Believe

Another book I asked for this Christmas....books were my thing this year. I STILL BELIEVE by Jeremy Camp sparked my interest simply due to my love for music. After reading this book what I have learned is that I absolutely LOVE the stories of musicians. So often the lyrics they write and sing stem from a deep place as they walk with the Lord. Haven known pieces of Jeremy Camps testimony, it was a treasure to read.

As you read of his parents battle as they came to Christ, his poor upbringing, his marriage and death of his first wife, the taking off of his music career and the marriage of his second wife and birth of his daughters, you can not help but see God's hand. He walked by faith alone. I have a deep respect for Jeremy and his willingness to have his yes on the table even in the valleys of life. An inspirational read of a brother in Christ who only wants what God wants.

This review would not be complete without mentioning his second wife, Adie (from The Benjamin Gate). What a devoted woman to know that though she is now his wife that the testimony God gave him involves his first wife. To embrace that testimony shows you her heart for Christ as well.

Lastly, a quote from the end of the book. "As for me and my house, that is our heart: to love Jesus more each day and to share his faithfulness wherever we go. I can't love anyone unselfishly if I'm not spending time with God and in the Scriptures. That can only happen through and by the Holy Spirit at work in my life. When we spend time with the Lord and let Him speak into our lives we can't help but then go out and love our neighbor as ourselves. And all of us living this out would make the world such a different place." (pg. 122, 123) Oh, how this speaks how we feel. Everything in the Christian life comes from knowing Jesus intimately. That must be first before we can love anyone else...we must love our God.

One of the songs written by Jeremy during the death of his first wife...
Will I believe you when you say, your hand will guide my every way.
Will I receive the words you say, every moment of every day.
I will walk by faith, even when I can not see.
Because this broken road prepares your will for me.

Book Review: Raising a Daughter After God's Own Heart

I asked for Raising a Daughter After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George for Christmas. I've never read her books before but heard good things about her materials. I enjoyed the book. Her are my take away nuggets:
  • We become what we love
  • We can not impart what we do not posses
  • We are to do battle through prayer on behalf of our precious children
  • Your human efforts might raise a daughter who will be an okay person. But prayer contributes to your raising an exceptional person.
  • Your daughter's friends are key. There are 3 types: those you will pull her down, those who will pull her along, and those who will pull her up.
  • Psalm 23 is a beautiful picture of what we are to provide for our daughters:
  1. 23:1 Provide care for your daughter (everything they need NOT want.)
  2. 23:2 Provide rest and peace
  3. 23:3 Provide healing and guidance
  4. 23:4 Provide presence and comfort
  5. 23:5 Provide friendship and protection
  6. 23:6 Provide hope and a home
None of these nuggets were a new revelation for me but timely reminders that our parenting is a direct correlation to our relationship with the One and Only Living God.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Where are You?

Over the weekend, we finally watched Courageous. The movie coupled with some thoughts rolling around in my head have led me to this post. I like blogging because I can get the thoughts from my head and heart onto "paper". Even if no one reads or comments it is therapeutic to me.

I've been struggling lately with how much the Church looks like the world. How "seeker friendly" the Church is becoming. When I say Church, I mean the big "C" church. American Christianity. I know I have mentioned this before so it is no surprise but why are we watering down the gospel? Why are we making church "fun" and "entertaining"? Why are our kids not opening he Word of God on Sunday morning? Why does worship time have to be so loud and contemporary? Why do kids need rewards to come with a Bible? Why do they need to play xbox and wii while parents talk? Why do we have to use secular influences and media to win our kids to coming to church? Why do we look like the world?

I've had parents tell me that as my child(ren) grow, I will allow them to watch all "those" movies, listen to secular radio, go to "those" dances...the list can go on. Really? Why? I'm told we can't keep them away from all of that forever. Really? What about being in the world not of the world? What about not conforming to the pattern of this world (Rom. 12:2). What about hating what is evil and clinging to what is good (Rom. 12:9)?

All those thoughts coupled with the movie this weekend as well as an awesome Sunday sermon (2/5/12 Kenmore Alliance Church - Ephesians) has led me here.

The movie wakes up dads to the role they have in the family. Of the role God designed for them and them alone. Dads are vital in the role of the family. They are the head of the Christian home. The tag line is, "so where are you men of courage?" It's a wake up call to the men and dads to love God, love their wives, and love their kids by being active and leading them in the way they should go.

The question spinning in my head today is "So where are you families of Courage?" Where are you? Won't you stand firm, be set apart, and look different than the world we live in? Won't you choose God's standards over mans? Will you set your eyes on things above and not on this earth (Col. 3:2)?

Are you willing to be a family of courage and choose the narrow road over the broad road traveled by many?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Book Review: Radical by David Platt

I had an interest in reading the book, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt when I finally connected the dots of who the author was. You see, for the last 2 years I have been using material from The Church at Brook Hills in my homeschooling.

So, on to the book. I personally loved it! I love that David Platt not only calls us to live a sold out life for Christ by winning souls to him but that he doesn't do so by looking like the world. I love chapter two where the question is asked if God's word is enough. No "extras," no "fluff". In 2012 so many churches look just like the world we live in. Complete with entertainment systems, xbox games, and a spread of coffee and snacks. If we took all this away, is God alone enough?

David clearly has an understanding and heart for global missions. For spreading the gospel to the ends of the Earth. I totally agree that this is the command of go into the world and make disciples. He has a heart for the orphans, for starving and dying heart is their with his.

But still, what I really like, is the fact that David Platt not only makes the calling clear but he equips his church to meet that calling. As I said, I have used materials of theirs for 2 years. The Bible material I use with my daughter is stronger than the material I have seen at many churches. I love that he is an expository preacher. He shares the Word of God so that his congregation knows the Word of God.

In 2012 it is refreshing to see a young paster on the scene both equipping and sending.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Book Review: One Thousand Gifts by Voskamp

I'm sad to say this book has been listed on this blog as one sitting in my to read pile. I picked it up after someone from church mentioned it. The only thing I knew at the time is that she wrote one of the history books my homeschool curriculum asks for.

That said, I stumbled across some reviews of the book and could not believe what I read. I went to my room, grabbed the book and opened it up for myself. I could not believe what I was reading. This book is awful. I will not finish reading it. I'm not one of those people who can just take the good and leave the bad. If there is teaching that is unbiblical the entire book becomes tainted for me. So, it is in my pile of books to burn in the fire this summer...

I am copying in 3 quotes that really are with caution....

“I fly to Paris and discover how to make love to God.”

“God lays down all of His fullness into all the emptiness. I am in Him. He is in me. I embrace God in the moment. I give Him thanks and I bless God and we meet and couldn’t I make love to God, making every moment love for Him? “To know Him the way Adam knew Eve. Spirit skin to spirit skin.”

“The intercourse of soul with God is the very climax of joy.”

What is this generation doing? Sexualizing God? Where is reverence, awe, and honor? What happened to the days when you dare not say his name? Not gaze at his presence? We have lost all understanding of the greatness of our God, of his holiness, and his righteousness.

You can read one review here: The Berean Library » ANN VOSKAMP

Let me save you from making a painful mistake...don't buy the book. Flee from all kinds of evil instead.