Grace is described by Yancey as a gift that costs the giver everything and the recipient nothing. The Bible says, I am saved by GRACE through faith. It is the GIFT of God not of myself (eph. 2:8). Jesus died for me on the cross. It cost the giver (Jesus) everything and the recipient (me) nothing.
As I study the Word of God I have begun to embrace the glimpses I get of what God thinks of me. He created my inmost being (ps. 139), He created & formed me (is. 43) which means I am who He wants me to be. Everything that is in me is on purpose. He knows the hairs on my head (matt. 10), He knows when I sit, when I lay, what I will say (ps. 139). Being dissatisfied with myself or comparing myself to others really is disrespect and dishonor for God's creation.
So, the cool thing about grace? God accepts me, owns me, holds me, affirms me & would never let me go even if he was not much impressed with what his hands were on (P. Yancey). Grace is unconditional.
The problem with Grace today is that we, in American society run on ungrace. Yancey talks about how every institution runs on the notion that we have to earn our own way. We start this model as young as Kindergarten when we test our kids to see if they are "normal," "slow," or "advanced." School papers are returned with all the failures marked. Corporations grade employees. The military ranks people over others. We idolize and hold up models who are starving themselves to reach the ideal. Success is defined by beating out your neighbor, being the best, clawing your way to the top...earning your own way. I come from a denominational background as a kid where I was taught I had to earn my way. I grew up thinking I had to earn good grades, be smart, pretty, perfect...those were the lies I believed by no one's fault but the enemies.
So, when we live in a society that runs on ungrace and earning your own way, no wonder people struggle to grasp God's love and the gift of grace. Yancey said, "The notion of God's love coming to us free of charge, no strings attached seems to go against every instinct of humanity." Our human nature can not understand love with no strings and acceptance without earning it. Yet this is the truth. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (rom. 5:8).
There is no loop hole that excludes you & me from God's love. No act committed, no words spoken, no rebellion so bad that you are outside of the love of God. So, I am going to rest in His grace. I am not going to try to earn God's love or people's acceptance.
What about you? Is God's grace enough? His grace is enough for me.
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