Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fill in the Blank....

What an amazing day with my daughter. Some of the things that she says just amaze me. Our children are so paying attention to everything we say and do. As a mom, I love those moments when our kids get it. Really get it. Own it for themselves. Like at a play date when they say, I don't think we should turn the radio on, there may be bad things on the radio station if it doesn't get the Christian channel. to my ears! Or, mom, why would there be a magic show at church when the Bible says magic is wrong. Love those little sponges! This sponge thing does daughter has picked up some of my attitude which I admit to.

So, tonight when we were getting ready for bed we had our prayer time. For a while, we were struggling with our daughter being able to pray out loud. We didn't want to force it but it is important so we can see where her heart is. The Lord pressed upon my heart this cool way to get her to pray that wasn't intimidating and was interactive. Thought I'd share it here. We call it the Fill in the Blank Prayer. Here is how it goes:

Mom: Dear ______
Child: God
Mom: You are _______
Child: says whatever they think of when they think of God
Mom: Thank you for ___________
Child: whatever they are thankful for
Mom: Help me to ____________

get the picture? I ask each question a few times. This has helped my daughter open up and share her heart. So tonight, God was mighty, awesome, exalted and Elohim....seriously? She's 5. Where did exalted come from? Elohim came from the cool song posted on this blog. The cool part was she knows Elohim is creator God. Our children are watching and listening. Ask yourself, What are they seeing and hearing? It is so cool to see through your kids eyes. She describes God in such amazing ways.

She was thankful for her long list of family & every pet ever owned as expected for any 5 year old pet lover. She wants help being obedient. Cool....she does know her obedience is an issue and it's an issue God can help her with. Without this method of praying she never would have prayed about that and I never would have know that she recognizes her disobedience as being wrong.

I normally close her prayer by saying something I'm going to bed ___....and she prays about her dreams. She use to struggle with bad dreams and prays about this every night.

Another cool praying method a friend taught us is the 50/50 prayer (thanks JBACG). Have your child pray something for themselves and then the same thing for a friend. Like "Help me obey my mom & help 'friend' obey their mom too." This helps them to think of others.

So moms & dads....give these a try if you are looking for something new in the prayer department with your kids. My heart is blessed every time I hear what my daughter thinks of God. Remember they are watching and taking the good, the bad, and the godly from us. Be a light to your kids...they are the light of the world to the next generation.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Migraines & Deodorant

I have always had friends who live "natural" lives. Who eat organically, minimize pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics but it was never my thing.

When my migraines kicked into full gear over 2 years ago, I was medicated for more than half of every month. I began to wonder what harm all these medications would have on my body. I became frustrated slapping a band-aid on my problem and never knowing the cause of the issue. I couldn't pin-point my triggers. I started to dabble with natural methods to help my migraines. I did chiropractic care for a year and that did not help my migraines. I did massage therapy every week for months and that didn't some of you are saying...sign me up for weekly massages. Might I just say that these were "medical" massages. I often walked away bruised and with an induced migraine. I had seen my primary doctor and a neurologist all who prescribed medications with no interest in the root cause.

So here is the turning point. I had done everything I knew how to do. I finally caved in and went to a naturopathic doctor. For the first time ever, I met someone interested in what the cause of my problems were. We found my triggers: allergies, stress, and chemicals. I noticed that whenever I drove over the South GI Bridge towards Tonawanda I instantly got a migraine. The odor from the plants put me over the edge every time. I noticed on the days I cleaned my head was worse. I slowly switched my cleaning products to natural products like vinegar and baking soda. Not all my clients were game with this but some made small changes for me.

I began to realize that our skin is the largest organ on our body. Every chemical we clean with enters our system. Every lotion, soap, shower gel, perfume, and make up enters our system. I started researching what was in the products I use. There is this awesome website called Skin Deep were you type in your product and it tells you it's hazard rating. Like the sunscreen I used on my daughter all her life was a dangerous level 9 out of 10. Seriously? I started finishing off my products and switching to lower hazard products. I changed my shampoo/conditioner, soap, shaving cream, lip balm, sunscreen, bug spray (we're campers), cleaning products and laundry detergent. Of course they cost more but my health was worth it.

This my friends, is how I entered the world of natural products and organics. I saw the results of using chemical free products on myself and in my home. I changed my diet...we can chat on that another day.

The biggest thing I did was stop believing what everyone told me and figured out the answer for myself. I realized that no one really cares about my health but me. Doctors don't share all the side effects of medications, pediatricians don't tell you what is really in the needle they are injecting into our kids, manufacturer's don't really tell you about the antibiotics and hormones injected in beef, which shows up in all our dairy. Company's don't really tell you what high fructose corn syrup is. I can go on and on about the things we don't know and we keep putting them in our bodies.

I haven't mastered this. There are many people I know that know more on this topic and live it out better than I do. We make the changes we can. We investigate the issues before us. We are willing to take a stand about our bodies and what enters it.

So, the reason I thought to post this today was because of my deodorant. I know how bad deodorant is. I know studies have shown an increase in breast cancer for those who use harsh deodorants. I have tried natural "safe" deodorants. Sorry, I need my deodorant. But today, for the first time, I noticed on the label..."for DRUG information tear here." What disturbed me today is that my deodorant is labeled a drug. that is something to think on.

Oh, and me? Migraine free for 10 months. As my husband says, the benefits outweigh the cost.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Light of the World

Sunday, Dr. Ware addressed the state of America today and called it a "dark" place. I agree with him. Morality in America is gone. The government does not back Christianity. The educational system has removed God from the history of America. We as Christians are called to be the light of the world. We are not to run from the darkness, hid from the darkness or encourage the darkness. We are to engage the culture of darkness and show them the light.

We are God's representatives on earth. Matt 5:14 says a city on a hill can not be hidden. Are you hiding? In today's world, if you stand for your convictions you will be called names. Jesus was the most loving man on earth and he was crucified for speaking the truth. Standing for truth in today's world will give you the label of intolerant. Trust me, I've been called it. So often I think that we don't stand for truth because we care too much about what people will think. That use to be me. I didn't care what non-believers thought...that sounds bad but what I mean is that I would not expect a non-believer to have God's standards on an issue. I didn't expect to be understood or agreed with in the world. The part I had to overcome and still struggle with on some days is the fact that speaking truth among the Christian circle still makes you different. This truth shocked me.

I still remember the first time I spoke about a conviction I had about burning cd's. I believe copyright law makes it clear that burning cd's for others is illegal. Now, the Bible does not say, thou shalt not burn cd's. The word does tell us to obey authority and that thou shalt not steal. So in my understanding burning a cd for another persons use who did not pay for it is stealing. When I stood up in a ministry meeting and said I felt we couldn't give away burnt cd's as a gift, I got some strange looks! Some readily agreed and had never seen it this way before. Some thought I was splitting hairs. Some still "pick on" me for this. Why? It's stealing. I didn't judge or condemn. Just voiced that I thought it was wrong and I would not participate.

Dr. Ware made a statement that is my heart. "We will have compassion for everyone and compromise for no one." Who will you have compassion on? What have you been compromising on?

So, my point today? Be the light. Stand up in the darkness. Be salt. Speak truth. Don't be afraid of what others will think of you. Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Sam. 16:7). Don't encourage darkness. Walk in the light so that the world sees you are different.
Lord God, you are light and in you there is no darkness. You have created me to be the light of this world. Show me where there is any darkness in me hindering your light from shining through me. Help me to walk this day in light. Help me to speak truth to your people. Help me be an arrow that points people to you. Lord, I pray for an awakening among your people to rise up and live as you have called us to live and to love as you love. Lord, you are good all the time. May we, your people be a constant testimony of your goodness.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Do Not Conform

I have so much on my heart today I feel like I could burst. To get it all out will take a few days so hang in there with me as I try to articulate all of this.

For the past year, the Lord has been revealing to me through "Sacred Echoes" (thanks for the term Kem & Kim) the truth about non-conformity. Here is a glimpse of scriptures in my journal during that season...

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Romans 12:9 Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

1 Peter 1:14 Do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.

John 15:19 You do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.

Getting the picture? To me, the calling of God's people is very clear. We are not to be like the world. I know there are debates out there over how "worldly" we can be, should be, to reach non-believers. Is this a black & white issue or is there a gray area? Here is my take....

Scripture clearly calls us to be set apart. To be different. To look different. To act different. I didn't say to act better or superior. To judge or condemn. It says to be different. Our lives are being watched by believers and non-believers alike. Do they see Christ in us? Do they see the fruits of the spirit? Do they see hypocrisy? Are we living in freedom from "the evil desires of our youth" or are we indulging ourselves in our wants? Does our private life match our personal life?

Dr. Charles Ware preached at church this Sunday. Can I just say he rocked. That man preached my heart. He was amazing. He had several points that tie in with what I am saying here. Dr. Ware talked about how believers should look different from the world. How we are in Christ, a new creation, if we are in Christ who is light (1 Jn 1:5), there should be no darkness in us because the very nature of Christ is light.

So, my point? I believe Christians of today are not living lives that are set apart. I'm not judging or condemning anyone here. As Paul says, I am chief among the sinners. I do believe if "we" Christians lived out the gospel, stood for convictions, and lived as Jesus' hands and feet the world would see a difference. We wonder why the world speaks so hatefully against Jesus and Christianity. Maybe it is because those who claim to follow him don't practice what we preach. Do our marriages look different? Do our kids act different? Do we treat people differently? What difference does the world see? Dr. Ware said that the world does not see Christianity today. I totally agree.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I love how the Lord speaks the same message over and over in multiple settings by multiple people...I don't know if it is because we are a hard headed people or to ensure our understanding of His message. I believe it is a little of both. Either way, I am so thankful for the repeated lessons and the blessing of learning what the Lord wants me to hear.

Today in Discipleship Hour at church, we discussed how God said to the Israelites, "I AM WHO I AM." We talked about how God can not be defined. He is so much bigger and greater than our biggest and greatest explanations and understandings. Lately, I have been meditating on the names of God...hence my song post last week...and 2 names stick out to me. Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals and Jehovah Jireh, the Lord will provide.

I didn't share anything in class as no one story jumped out at me to share. Then today happened, so here is my testimony of God as Jehovah-Jireh in my life.

Things have been stressful lately for me. Finances have gotten really tight with our flooring project needing things unexpectantly (like every project, right?), a car needs repairs, and another financial "thing" needed attention. Being on the Dave Ramsey road to no debt living, we are using cash only but it is getting tighter than my comfort zone likes and tighter than planned. So, hubby and I are having this post church chat that goes something like...

Me: I'm stressing over finances
Hubby: God is faithful
Me: Yeah, I know but I'm stressed about finances, time issues...too much for me right now
Hubby: Remember, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light" just give it to God
Me: Yeah, I get that but....

So, in to the conversation steps Jehovah-Jireh. Hubby's phone rings and he sells some stuff he's been trying to unload for the exact amount that is needed for the one "financial thing" that needed attention. Seriously? I'm surprised by this yet not surprised at all. We have been climbing out of the pit of mistakes for some time now and we see over and over again in our lives Jehovah-Jireh in regards to our financial situation.

For me, this shows God's blessings on our desire to live debt free, our efforts to climb out of debt, and His willingness, no it's His joy, to walk beside us as we struggle.

So, Fill in the blank. God is ______________. What has He accomplished in your life lately? Take the time to think about this. And if you can't answer this, ask Him to reveal himself to you. He will. He is always faithful.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Censorship to Military

I only have a second but I don't want to forget to mention this issue at hand. This issue has been discussed many times but once again, legislation is moving forward and we the people have a chance to act.

Military chaplains are being censored for closing prayers in Jesus' name. Congressman Walter Jones is working on an amendment, H.R. 268, that "ensures that every military chaplain has the prerogative to close a prayer outside of a religious service according to the dictates of the chaplain’s own conscience.” Yes, this means prayers can be closed in any manner depending on who is praying to what god but the bigger issue is keeping the freedom to pray out of government hands. Remember my marriage post? One decision is the start of a spiral.

I encourage you to sign this petition ACLJ: Military Chaplains. It seriously takes 60 seconds if you can type (I timed myself). ACLJ has great info on this issue and many others. Check them out sometime.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Who Is God?

Lately I have realized that I don't even begin to see God for who He really is. I know I will never fully grasp His greatness while on earth but this song gives a glimpse into how BIG our God really is. I heard this 2 weeks ago and have played it daily since. Music is food for my soul. The Lord speaks to me through lyrics and this is no exception. It speaks volumes to my heart and I hope it blesses you as it has me.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Marriage Under Fire

This weekend I read Marriage Under Fire by Dobson. It's an old 2004 but I got a swinging deal at CBD for like 99 cents. Can't pass up a deal like that. So I read the book and my initial reaction was, where was I in 2004? Why didn't I see the target on marriage then? Why didn't I voice my beliefs and defend the federal marriage amendment? Where was I? Seeing the federal marriage amendment did not pass I am sure Dobson will have a new edition of this book because if ever there was a target on marriage, it is now.

The book has so many nuggets of truth and points of interest, I'd like to share a bunch for you to chew on. I may be long winded so hold on....

One of the first realities that I had to face was the fact that the traditional family as we know it is disappearing. I knew this but the reality soaked in. The fight for America to embrace gay marriage is gaining momentum. Dobson points out that "there have been periods of history when homosexuality has flourished, as in the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, in ancient Greece, and in the Roman Empire. None of these civilizations survived." Just think on that for a moment.

Children are living in chaos and confusion. The next generation is seeing a model of pleasure seeking and lack of commitment and values. In the US, census data shows that in a 10 year span, households headed by single fathers has risen 72%, single mother headed homes have risen 25% and households headed by traditional married couples has decreased 25% . The traditional family unit is disappearing.

Another reality I saw in this writing is that one decision or compromise is never the last. Dobson talks about how the decline in the sanctity of marriage started in 1969 when the first no-fault divorce law was signed and the "till death do us part" covenant became optional. At this moment, the law no longer backed marriage as a permanent social structure and it was only a matter of time before "someone tried to do away with the 'husband and wife' part." The point? Every law that is passed is only the starting point of the spiral. I'm not an alarmist but in my opinion the morality of America is spiraling downward fast.

What are we to do? It was said in the book, and I believe it fully, the threats we are faced with today could be the vehicle used for revival in the church. God's people need to awake to the reality around them and begin an even greater prayer vigil for our nation and for marriage.

My Pastor made a statement that resinated with me last week and sure enough the quote was in this book. Edmund Burke once said, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." That is so profound to me.

So, the question is will you take action or let evil triumph? Pray for our nation. Pray for marriage. My church holds a once a month marriage prayer shield...start one at your church or find one to attend. Follow the politics involved in the changing of the definition of marriage/family and sign petitions, write letters to Congress, send emails. When developments happen, I will have links on this blog for you to act on.

My last note on this subject is from the book..."while we are out on the front lines engaging the enemies of traditional values, let's not allow our homes, our marriages, to go neglected or undefended. What good will it do to fight the foes of marriage in the city square while our own homes and families are collapsing from within?" I encourage you to start in your home with your marriage. Let "us", the Christian people, not add fuel to the downward spiral of the decline of family. I have lots to say on the Christian marriage of today but that is for another day.

"if my people who are called by my name, would humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

Friday, October 16, 2009

Health Care Reform

As much as I dislike going into and following politics, I must. I believe it is impossible for the Christian to separate one's moral beliefs from today's political arena. No matter your stance on the type of health care system we should have here in America, I believe we all have one thing in common.

The current health care bill being voted on still includes publicly funded abortion. Here is one of those issues I mentioned that gets me. As a tax payer...and may I add I pay taxes on every dime I earn...I don't hide my off the books income, I don't fudge any records, I pay taxes on every ounce of income and let me say they tax you very well when you are "self-employed"....I will not pay for abortion. I do not support abortion morally and I will not support it financially. So, what can we do about that? You can sign a petition online. It takes 2 seconds. Focus Petitions I did it a while back and urge you to do the same. Our freedoms are slowly being eroded and many of us aren't using our voice.

I think of the current issue with medical professionals being mandated to receive the H1N1 vaccine. While this issue does not effect me...I am not in the profession so my freedom to choose what I put into my body is still mine, this is one more step over the line of the government telling citizens what to do. The state of New York is not allowing an exemption for religious reasons or medical reasons other than egg allergies at this time. Why do I bring this up? While it doesn't effect many of us now, it will. Next thing you know, you will be told what vaccines your children MUST have...(thinking HPV here). You will lose your right to file an exemption based on your beliefs. In my view, whether you are for vaccines, against, or somewhere in between like me, this is an issue of losing your freedom.

I'll step off the forced vaccine soapbox but it's food for thought. So, back to the topic at hand, Health Care Reform....make your voice heard, stand up for the life of unborn children and your right to not fund something that goes against the God of creation.

***after posting on the H1N1, news broke that there is an injunction right now stopping the mandatory vaccination for health care professionals. This is an important topic to follow so stay tuned for more news***

Thursday, October 15, 2009

More on Me

Before I jump in to one of the many topics on my heart let me share a little more about me and my arriving at the decision to blog. I am a wife...hence my love for issues involving marriage. I am a mother and a homeschooler....hence my love for issues of the home and family. I am also a women struggling with infertility and the loss of a child...hence my love for orphans & children. All of these things are a part of who I am yet they don't define me. The definition of who I am is a Child of God....hence my love for living a life worthy of the calling.

Three weeks ago, I had the coolest opportunity yet to happen in my life. I discovered my purpose. So many people walk through this world wondering what their purpose is & how to make an impact. Life Purpose Coaching is a process of discovering the stories of your life, the gifting God has blessed you with, the strengths you posses, the passions you have. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, these are woven together to help you see & embrace your life purpose. I can't explain it in words. It was the coolest 2 days of my life. The Spirit of God literally drops nuggets of truth into your spirit. As much as I want to explain the process, you don't get it until you do it... you can read about the process here Discovering AND Embracing Your God Given Purpose. All of that to say, that I know that I am called to "encourage and prepare believers to stand for what is morally right and pure and to advocate truth to them". That is my calling. That is my purpose statement. There is so much freedom in knowing what you were made to do. There is intentionality in decisions. There is stepping outside of your comfort zone when you know it is what you are to do. There is obedience.

So, the blog? In this season of my life as a wife, mother, homeschooler and part-time worker, blogging from home on topics that I believe the Christian body needs to become aware of and act upon made logical sense. So, that my friends is what I will be doing.

Sometimes I may get on a soapbox on topics that don't have a right or wrong chemicals in plastics, pesticides on food, and where McD's really gets their meat from. These issues don't appear in the Bible. What can I say, some of these things really get me too and now this blog is my voice.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Here We Go...

I've been debating blogging for a while now. Everyone blogs for different reasons. Some to share thoughts. Some to vent about life. Some to share tips/information with others. Me? I will be blogging about many things but mostly about issues that affect marriage, family, parenting, and the attacks against these institutions from the Christian perspective. My intention is that you will find on this blog ways to act, to make your voice heard should you desire to take a stand for some of the things that strike a cord in my heart. So, if that is something of interest to you, stay tuned.....