Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Light of the World

Sunday, Dr. Ware addressed the state of America today and called it a "dark" place. I agree with him. Morality in America is gone. The government does not back Christianity. The educational system has removed God from the history of America. We as Christians are called to be the light of the world. We are not to run from the darkness, hid from the darkness or encourage the darkness. We are to engage the culture of darkness and show them the light.

We are God's representatives on earth. Matt 5:14 says a city on a hill can not be hidden. Are you hiding? In today's world, if you stand for your convictions you will be called names. Jesus was the most loving man on earth and he was crucified for speaking the truth. Standing for truth in today's world will give you the label of intolerant. Trust me, I've been called it. So often I think that we don't stand for truth because we care too much about what people will think. That use to be me. I didn't care what non-believers thought...that sounds bad but what I mean is that I would not expect a non-believer to have God's standards on an issue. I didn't expect to be understood or agreed with in the world. The part I had to overcome and still struggle with on some days is the fact that speaking truth among the Christian circle still makes you different. This truth shocked me.

I still remember the first time I spoke about a conviction I had about burning cd's. I believe copyright law makes it clear that burning cd's for others is illegal. Now, the Bible does not say, thou shalt not burn cd's. The word does tell us to obey authority and that thou shalt not steal. So in my understanding burning a cd for another persons use who did not pay for it is stealing. When I stood up in a ministry meeting and said I felt we couldn't give away burnt cd's as a gift, I got some strange looks! Some readily agreed and had never seen it this way before. Some thought I was splitting hairs. Some still "pick on" me for this. Why? It's stealing. I didn't judge or condemn. Just voiced that I thought it was wrong and I would not participate.

Dr. Ware made a statement that is my heart. "We will have compassion for everyone and compromise for no one." Who will you have compassion on? What have you been compromising on?

So, my point today? Be the light. Stand up in the darkness. Be salt. Speak truth. Don't be afraid of what others will think of you. Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Sam. 16:7). Don't encourage darkness. Walk in the light so that the world sees you are different.
Lord God, you are light and in you there is no darkness. You have created me to be the light of this world. Show me where there is any darkness in me hindering your light from shining through me. Help me to walk this day in light. Help me to speak truth to your people. Help me be an arrow that points people to you. Lord, I pray for an awakening among your people to rise up and live as you have called us to live and to love as you love. Lord, you are good all the time. May we, your people be a constant testimony of your goodness.


  1. I really like your blog! I have very similar convictions, views and heartaches. Thank you for being a voice. By the way i heard that song by Laurell, lifted me out of this world! I also have listened to it again and again!
    I will have your blog on my favorites list now :-) Cindy T.

  2. Neh 4:14 "don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes." Fight for the family!!
