The current health care bill being voted on still includes publicly funded abortion. Here is one of those issues I mentioned that gets me. As a tax payer...and may I add I pay taxes on every dime I earn...I don't hide my off the books income, I don't fudge any records, I pay taxes on every ounce of income and let me say they tax you very well when you are "self-employed"....I will not pay for abortion. I do not support abortion morally and I will not support it financially. So, what can we do about that? You can sign a petition online. It takes 2 seconds. Focus Petitions I did it a while back and urge you to do the same. Our freedoms are slowly being eroded and many of us aren't using our voice.
I think of the current issue with medical professionals being mandated to receive the H1N1 vaccine. While this issue does not effect me...I am not in the profession so my freedom to choose what I put into my body is still mine, this is one more step over the line of the government telling citizens what to do. The state of New York is not allowing an exemption for religious reasons or medical reasons other than egg allergies at this time. Why do I bring this up? While it doesn't effect many of us now, it will. Next thing you know, you will be told what vaccines your children MUST have...(thinking HPV here). You will lose your right to file an exemption based on your beliefs. In my view, whether you are for vaccines, against, or somewhere in between like me, this is an issue of losing your freedom.
I'll step off the forced vaccine soapbox but it's food for thought. So, back to the topic at hand, Health Care Reform....make your voice heard, stand up for the life of unborn children and your right to not fund something that goes against the God of creation.
***after posting on the H1N1, news broke that there is an injunction right now stopping the mandatory vaccination for health care professionals. This is an important topic to follow so stay tuned for more news***
Thanks for making this easy to be a good citizen. Your hard work is making me more aware of issues I should know about. Thank you!! And keep up the great work!! I believe you will make a great impact.