- Prayer isn't an option; it's an obligation and an opportunity for us to glorify God's name.
- Prayer isn't a luxury; it's a necessity.
- The people of this world look at heaven from earth's point of view, but God's people look at this world from heaven's point of view.
- Biblical worship should begin with transcendence, affirming that the Lord is above us and is in control. Then we should move to immanence, thanking the Lord that he is with us as we leave his sanctuary. The current "buddy-buddy" approach to the Lord is definitely unbiblical. "Abba, Father" is fine for personal devotions but not always for corporate worship. We must first see the Lord "seated on a throne, high, and exalted" so we can truly say, "Woe is me" and "Here am I. Send me."
- Our task as a chosen people is to advertise by our words and deeds the glorious virtues of Jesus Christ.
- How can he church advertise the virtues of Jesus Christ if the church is imitating the world? We have been called to shine as lights, not reflect as mirrors.
- If we pray "your kingdom come" while at the same time compromising with the world, we are hypocrites and our prayers will not be answered.
- The unconverted person wears a heavy yoke of sin that grows heavier every day. The outwardly religious person wears a yoke of rules and rituals that bring no relief. But the children of God are united with Christ and wear a yoke that is easy. They carry burdens that are light, because "his commands are not burdensome" (1 John 5:3). This is the summary of true discipleship.
Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:14-16
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Book Review: On Earth as it is in Heaven
How will we go down in History?
How will we go down in History?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Serving...or is it?
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are at." T. Roosevelt |
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
TOADY Awards
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Book Review: Choosing to See by Mary Beth Chapman
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Please VOTE!
Vote for God's Littlest Angels
“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the leastof these brothers of mine, you did for me.’
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Raising Unselfish Kids Book Review
- We have become so self-absorbed that we've lost the ability to give without expecting something in return. (15)
- We yearn for newer, bigger, faster. We get it ans still want more, because newer, bigger, faster can never fill emptiness. We replace blouses, houses, and spouses with the same regularity. (pg. 16)
- Americans generate 230 million tons of garbage every year. (pg. 17)
- The average cost of a luxury kitchen remodel is $57,000. That is $10,000 more than the cost to build a Habitat for Humanity home. (pg. 21)
- Companies like "Hello Kitty" have created debit cards with a target audience of 10-14 year olds. (pg. 24)
- We must intentionally, rationally, emotionally, and wholeheartedly seek to raise unselfish children, or it won't happen. (pg. 41)
- Three types of parents: Deflector (asks kids to make decisions they aren't capable of), Depriver (either do too little or too much for kids and deprive them of doing things for self), and Developer (devloop children by giving them what they need when they need it). (pg. 54)
- Meet all their needs, not all their wants (pg. 71)
- Our self-absorbed society says, "Do something and be somebody!" God says, "You are somebody; now do your something!" (pg. 93)
- If we Christians did a better job of living the Gospel, we wouldn't have to spend so much time and effort telling the Gospel. Rather than standing out as different, we look and act much like everyone else. (pg. 206)
- If you strive to be number one, you'll compete with others. If you strive to be the best, you'll only compete with yourself. If you strive to be number one, you'll give up when someone beats you. If you strive to be the best, you'll persevere until you reach your goal. (pg. 212)
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Some Neat Websites
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Blog-Worthy News
HSLDA has learned that Swedish officials on the Island of Gotland may be seeking to terminate the parental rights of Annie and Christer Johansson. Seven-year old Domenic Johansson was snatched by a fully armed Swedish police unit in June 2009 while on board an airplane bound for Annie’s homeland of India. Among the primary reasons given for the seizure was the fact that Domenic was homeschooled. His entire family has been denied any contact with their son for nearly a year. HSLDA and the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) filed a joint application on behalf of the Johansson family at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in June 2010 and have been working to support the family since shortly after Domenic’s seizure.
Both the ADF and HSLDA are asking for letters to be written in an attempt to renew attention to the family’s case and to encourage Swedish officials to release Domenic back to his family. The United States Supreme Court has called the termination of parental rights the family court equivalent of the death penalty. Annie and Christer have done nothing worthy of such a horrific outcome. Will you join us as fellow advocates and take a moment to write to the Swedish Social Services Committee in charge of Domenic’s custody situation? The Johansson family is grateful for your efforts on their behalf.
The link above will take you to sample letters that you can mail on behalf of this family...mine is in the mail.
The other issue at hand, and I have addressed this before, is the parents right to make decisions for their children is being taken away by the government. As a NY State resident, our policies often follow California. Well, California just signed into law a bill allowing 12 year old children to decide for themselves on the Gardisil (HPV) vaccine. Check out the link below.
California Further Erodes Parental Rights - Parentalrights.orgTuesday, September 27, 2011
Book Review: The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace
- What can I give without expecting thanks or recognition? Hmmm....this goes for all relationships. So often we look at giving from a selfish stand point. I want to work on giving without being noticed...you know how sometimes you just want someone to thank you that clean clothes keep appearing in their rooms...I need to learn to give as a mom/wife without recognition.
- An excellent wife does not respond based on mood-she is consistent. I have to say, I'm a moody bugger. I know I respond based on mood to both my husband and children. Another area to take notice of and work on.
- "Often wives presumptuously judge their husbands and react based on what they think their husbands are thinking...Instead of judging his motives, give him the benefit of the doubt and place his action in the best possible light." (pg. 190)
- "God's Word is the final authority for the practice of your life. You may in fact, be very active in your church and still not be doing what the Lord told you to do through His Word." (pg. 181) This was one of those sobering thoughts that jump off the page. I can remember seasons of being so "busy" with church that you aren't in the Word listening. In this season of life where I have stepped back from the "business" of church, I hear better and fulfill my roles better.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Organizing Idea
Monday, September 12, 2011
Book Review: Turn Up the Heat by Kevin Leman
- A reminder that Sex is important and needs to be a priority....no matter how tired you are or how much the kids have touched on you all day.
- Routine Sex=Happy Marriage
- Sex=less visual temptation for our husbands...let's be real. They are wired visually and this world of 2011 isn't helping them any. I sat in a wedding Saturday and if you turned your head to the left all you saw was a young woman's breast in your face...in church.
- Ladies, especially us Jesus loving ladies, need to step it up in the modesty department. Teach it to our children. Why do we see teens in church with shorts barely covering their tush?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Book Review: Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Book Review: The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Vote for God's Littlest Angels
“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Book Review: The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan
- Psalm 46:10, Exodus 20:8-9
- Sabbath is both a day and an attitude
- Sabbath is time sanctified, time betrothed, time we perceive and receive and approach differently from all other time. We are more intimate with it, more thankful for it, more protective of it and more generous with it.
- 8 of the 10 Commandments are written in the prohibitive "Thou shalt not." The Sabbath command is written in strong imperatives: remember, observe, keep, stop.
- Two things keep us from true Sabbath: busyness and legalism. (Trust me I have fallen ill to both)
- We are to embrace that which gives life, and cease that which is necessary. We need to know not just what to avoid but what to pursue.
- "My whole life I have been complaining that my work was constantly interrupted until I discovered the interruptions were my work" (Henry Nouwen)
- "We can be very busy for God and still not know Him....."
- "Without a fast it's hard to recognize a feast" (Dorothy Bass)
Friday, August 5, 2011
Book Review: The Blessing by Trent & Smalley
- 5 parts of the Blessing:
- Meaningful Touch: Kissing, hugging, laying on of hands
- A Spoken Message: Verbal, silence communicates confusion
- Attaching High Value on the One being Blessed: Honor, bless, respect
- Picturing a Special Future for the One being Blessed: Affirming the traits they have God will use in the future (ie. my oldest likes to/wants to cook, teach, organize, protect and work with animals = I share how all of those things are a part of my job as a mom and how God will use those as she is a mom/wife)
- An Active Commitment to Fulfill the Blessing: doing everything possible to help the one being blessed be successful
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Helping Haiti
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Book Review: Roaring Lambs by Bob Briner
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Book Review: Confident Parenting by Jim Burns
- Parenting takes perseverance, endurance, and intentionality.
- Caring for your family is your highest calling on earth. This is huge for someone like me who struggles with pleasing the demands of everyone around me. I have been called to a season of raising kids for God, of schooling them and being home. This means I can't be "in ministry" and running all over. The reminder that this is my high calling was needed.
- Implement a Sabbath: a lot spoke to me here...again...because I didn't do it the first time I learned it!
- The lesson of the Sabbath is to ruthlessly find a rhythm in your life to rest and restore your soul, and the soul of your family.
- Have the courage to go against the grain of the culture and find time for replenishment.
- We tend to neglect our own need for solitude and replenishing relationships, then we wonder why we are so burnt out.
- When couples are overcommitted, they become unconnected.
- When it comes to the climate of our homes, we set the emotional thermostat. (hmmmm, two books in a row with that message??)
- Our goal as parents is to create a grace-filled home where love and grace reign but discipline is unswerving.
- Begin with the end in mind. This was huge for Drew & I when we had Abby. Setting character goals up front has helped us make decisions along the way.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Book Review: A Woman After God's Own Heart
- Biblical Order: God, Hubby, Kiddos. Oh how often I scramble these up. The kiddos are always right there and so easy to give your first fruits to but this is not biblical. I have nothing to give my kids if God has not been my first priority.
- As a wife I need to meet my husbands needs. She mentions: Committing to being a helper, submit, respect, respond positively, pray daily, kind actions, physical intimacy, prepare for his arrival home. I always try to straighten up and freshen up and have the kids ready for Daddy to come home. I always ask how I can help and do believe it is my job (biblically) to lighten his load. However, I don't pray consistently enough for my husband, I don't always show respect or respond positively. I let the stress of the day change my mood. I'm working on this. I also think the kind deeds, you know, sweet notes in the lunch kinda stuff gets crowded out by motherhood....again backwards.
- Our role as mother is to teach our children God's word. Memorize, read, model, pray, provide. With homeschooling this has become so much easier. As long as I keep my eyes on the goal this area isn't a huge issue. I have also improved in this area over the last month as I have begun to pray literally a million times a day when I felt the frustration rising in me. God has graciously given me grace for my kids so I can be a better mom.
- We are the thermostat of our homes. We control the mood by our mood and responses. Ok, so this one got me. This past year my mood has been less than steady. With struggling with anxiety and depression you never know what you'd get from me. As I am doing better, I am trying so hard to improve in this area. I really do let my husband get the short end, the tired mom at the end of the day. Other nuggets in this area were to remember to be home, plan ahead, and don't waste time. Planning is not an issue for me and with homeschooling we are home and make it a point to be home for the evening family time.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Book Review: The Air I Breathe
- We all worship something. Where your time, attention, and money are spent there you find the object of your worship.
- We exchange worship of our Creator for worship of created things.
- Whatever you worship, you imitate; whatever you imitate, you become.
- Worship is something you enter into with all your might. Worship is a participation activity in a spectator culture.
- True worship is simply catching sight of the greatness, majesty, splendor, glory, and grace of an infinite God.
- Church is a lot better when our meetings are filled with people who have been pursuing God for six days before they get there.
- Corporate worship works best when we arrive with something to offer God, as opposed to coming only to get something for us.
- Think about the words you sing and who you are singing them to. Sometimes we would be better off saying nothing rather than standing there lying to the face of God. Our worship would honor Him more if we stopped singing and realigned our hearts with His.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Book Review:Spiritual Warfare
- If your children see that life's challenges are overcoming you, rather than your overcoming them, they will gravitate toward the world's way of coping.
- What our world truly needs is for couples to choose God's way instead of the world's way.
- Satan attacks believers and it normally includes confusion, accusations, feelings of rejection, condemnation, discouragement and hopelessness.
- God's testing is different from an attack as there is no confusion but rather clarity. We may not see clearly the choice to make but we walk by faith.
- When our kids respond or act in a repetitive, negative pattern there is a negative core belief behind that area that needs to be replaced with truth.
- We'd never dream of withholding food from a developing child, and yet that is exactly what we do spiritually if we don't give them the Word of God.
- Training our children in spiritual warfare focuses not on the Devil and his methods but on the genuine power and promises of Christ. Only after knowing the truth can our children spot from afar the Devil's counterfeit.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
You are My Shepherd
Friday, May 27, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
This is the Stuff.....
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
In School Shooter: North American Tour 2012, you play as a disgruntled
student fed up with something or other (We're not exactly sure), who after researching
multiple school shooting martyrs, decides to become the best school shooter ever.
You must arm yourself with the same weapons as a previous school shooter,
including Eric Harris' TEC-9, Dylan Klebold's sawn-off shotgun, Seung-Hui Cho's
akimbo pistols, and Nevada-Tan's... Box cutter? The possibilities are endless!
You are free to do whatever you want (So long as it involves shooting people in
a school).
And your telling me video games do not impact our children's behavior?
The fact that the makers of this game use tragic events from real life as the model
is disturbing. Once I have contact information I will include it so that you can send
a letter, email, or make a call and have your opinion heard.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
TV Petition
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ABC network set to attack Christianity with "Good Christian B-tches" show"For Heaven's sake, don't let God get in the way of a good story!" - GCB author Kim GatlinMarch 7, 2011The ABC network is currently working on a pilot for a prime-time program called "Good Christian B-tches." It's a Christian-bashing version of ABC's current "Desperate Housewives." The show centers on a recently divorced mother of two who moves back to the affluent neighborhood where she grew up to find herself in the whirling midst of gossip, Botox and fraud. Disney-owned ABC has no reservations about creating hate speech against Christians, but you can be sure they would never consider a show called "Good Muslim B-tches" or "Good Jewish B-tches." With a title like "Good Christian B-tches," you can imagine what kind of show it will be. Even if they change the title, the content will still mock people of faith. TAKE ACTION Sign a petition to ABC and parent company Disney to drop all plans to air the anti-Christian program "Good Christian B-tches." We'll add your petition to thousands of other voices in also urging advertisers to place it on their "do not advertise" list and consider pulling all ads from the ABC network in protest of this Anti-Christian bigotry.
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